Art at Wildergarden
Many gardens have added features to them. Wildergarden uses art to add a pop of color or to add interest among the paths.
A handmade bird house, a unique statue, or a fabric garden flag can accentuate or compliment the trees and plants in the garden. Anne has taken local classes and made items for her own yard. She has made fused glass plant markers, ceramic bowls, and a windchime in various classes. She also painted flower pots and painted rocks on my own.
Art from art fairs representing local and regional artists is a good way to shop local, plus bring art into your yard. Indianapolis has a lot of art fairs happening year round. It is especially nice to be able to meet the artists. Before placing art in your garden, makes sure to ask the artist about the materials that they use and if the artwork is safe for your habitat. Also, confirm whether the art work should be put away for the winter. The artists will be happy to help you pick out a piece to match the aesthetic of your yard.
Handmade trellises, bird baths, and signs are another way to add art to your yard. Let your own creativity guide you as you make a garden habitat that will make you proud!
Here are some of the piece of artwork made for Wildergarden, and some that were carefully selected to complement the natural space:
These clay items were traced from Wildergarden oak leaves. They are in a clay dish made for wildlife to drink from.
This is a ceramic birdhouse created in a clay hand building class in 2022. By Julia Wilder with Deanna Poelsma.
Yielding to Nature, by artist Lorie Lee Andrews
Harrison Center for the Arts, April 1-30, 2022

Lorie Lee’s show was inspired by her visit to Wildergarden. She noted that Julia chose to “yield to Nature by letting her yard become what it would be without a lawn mower or fertilizers. The result is a tiny forest…”
Lorie Lee chose leaves from a few trees and made indigo-tinted prints of them. Below are some examples: Basswood, Eastern Red Cedar, Sweetgum, and Hackberry.
Originals are available from Lorie Lee Andrews,