Wildergarden’s core value is that every person, plant and animal in urban areas deserves to thrive in a healthy environment. By restoring nature in our yard, we are providing ourselves and our neighbors a good place to live. As stated in 2021 by visitor Pascal Glock, a musician in residence at Harrison Center for the Arts, Wildergarden is a cube of trees with its own climate.
Many city dwellers want and need more access to nature. Native plants, healthy soil and wildlife habitat are essential conditions of environmental health. Marion County, Indiana has a low ratio of parkland per capita. Only a few of these parks include nature preserves. Riparian corridors along the White River, Fall Creek and other tributary waterways are rife with soil erosion and unsafe water quality. Environmental protection funding is decreasing at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). Environmental justice is the concern for delivering a quality living space for all citizens, regardless of demographic and economic status.
All the while city development is replacing green space and woods with other urban uses destructive to natural ecosystems. However, with the proper attitude and practices, as demonstrated at Wildergarden, fully developed cities do have more room to increase natural resources—in people’s yards. After building improvements to fulfill zoning guidelines for human habitation, soil in the yard remains an underutilized natural resource to which original flora and fauna can return. This gives us what we want: more access to Nature.
Here’s hoping you choose restoration!